Learning, Development
& Alignment

Driven to Achieve Your Desired Results

Talent Management and Development

We take the time to research your industry, the role you need filled, and understand how urgent a long-term fit is for your company unlike other human resource consulting firms. With a long-term partnership and your trust as our main goals, we measure the fit of our potential talent against your business culture, your business’s needs, and your unique developmental requirements.

Mosaic HCS develops customizable talent management solutions to fit your company needs. We deliver your content in-house or outsourced. Our experience includes the following: Leadership Development Assessments, Leadership Training Delivery, Strategic Organizational Alignment and Goal Setting, 360 Feedback Surveys, Engagement Surveys, Conflict Resolution Training, Learning Management System (LMS) Capability, and Computer Based Training (CBT).

Leadership Development

We Develop and Hire Effective Leadership

Mosaic HCS has a partnership with PointLeader Predictive Analytics for the administration of the PointLeader Potential Assessment (PPA) developed by Dr. Scott Davies. The PPA consists of 180 questions and should take your employees and potential employees approximately 20 minutes to complete. The leadership development results of the PPA provide information on personality and ability ratings that relate directly to their specified job competencies. These personality and ability traits are commonly accepted as essential for effective leadership. For more information on PointLeader, please feel free to visit their website.

Leadership Training Delivery

The Skills You Need to Succeed

Our one-day session focuses on supervisor basics, HR basics, and the leadership assessment. The course curriculum is designed for your first-time supervisors or managers to equip them with the skills needed to succeed in their new roles. The customizable feature of the content allows for employees of various industries to attain value out of the session. Courses are aligned to three leadership competency areas: Leading Others, Leading the Self, and Leading the Organization.

The transition from individual contributor to competent front-line supervisor can be trying and requires new skills. Your newly appointed supervisors must be able to position themselves as the leader to gain respect from others. In addition, your newly appointed supervisors must move from focusing on tasks and individual performance to focusing on people and working through people to accomplish tasks.

Strategic Organizational
Alignment and Goal Setting

Creating You the Most Value

For strategic organizational alignment and goal setting, we suggest focusing on how well the following information is communicated, understood, and executed:

  • Mission Statement
  • Core Values
  • Strategic Plan
  • Organization/Division/Department Goals
  • Employee Engagement & Performance Management

True alignment creates continuity and consistency between your employees’ messaging and employee behaviors that create the most value.

Increase the Effectiveness of Your
Communication and
Decision-making Skills.

Communicate to Succeed

At Mosaic, we feel that it is important to have a continuously improving culture within your company, unlike other human resource consulting firms. This philosophy looks at change in small, incremental steps, relying on ideas put forth by your employees. Small changes can usually be implemented inexpensively and helps encourage employees to take ownership of their ideas for improvement. Continuous improvement methodologies encourage open communication and feedback, are measurable, and are successful in bringing about positive change within your organization and your customers.

Central to Lean and Six Sigma methodologies is the idea of solving problems and improving processes. Lean theory focuses on creating greater value for your customers by reducing waste or non-value-added activities. It uses a multitude of tools, processes, and ideologies to help achieve this. Process mapping, value stream mapping, fishbone diagrams, Pareto charts, 5S and 5Why, just to name a few, are used to identify your value and waste. Six Sigma is a data-driven approach that provides your organization with tools to reduce process variation and increase performance and quality.

Mosaic teaches and works alongside your organization to install these and other methodologies with the goal of reducing costs, increasing profits, and building a stronger entity to serve your employees and customers.

human resource consulting firms

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